About Us

Franklin Community Church’s purpose is to enable Middle Tennesseans to experience  authentic relationships with God and each other by establishing an Acts 2 biblical community. We are a relationship driven church. We live by the motto, “The way you love a God you cannot see is by loving those you can see. The way you serve a God you cannot see is by serving those you can see.” Ministry is in our DNA. Especially ministering to those who are on the margins of society. We feel a call to be a multi-ethnic church going into the difficult places to reach those who feel hopeless. Our desire is to be a conscience of the community. Below are some bible verses that drive our philosophy of ministry:

Luke 4:18-19

Matthew 25:31-46

Acts 2:42-47

Our church’s logo visually describes our deep desire for relationships. One of the uniquenesses of our Sunday worship times is that we worship by sitting around tables. Our logo pictures people sitting around a table. The reason for the tables is to facilitate community. As such, we also celebrate communion every Sunday. The reason is simple: The only way we can truly have community with each other is because of our communion (our common-unity) with Jesus. 

We meet for worship every Sunday at 10:00am, at Johnson Elementary School, 815 Glass Lane, Franklin, TN 37064.